Payment Method | Qty 1 - 19 | Qty 20 - 99 | Qty 100 - 499 | Qty 500+ |
Cash | $16.97 | $16.91 | $16.86 | $16.81 |
Check Peoria Store | $16.97 | $16.91 | $16.86 | $16.81 |
Check PHNX Store | $16.97 | $16.91 | $16.86 | $16.81 |
Wire | $16.97 | $16.91 | $16.86 | $16.81 |
Credit Card | $17.48 | $17.42 | $17.37 | $17.31 |
Pin Debit | $17.48 | $17.42 | $17.37 | $17.31 |
The spot price of silver tends to be more volatile than the spot price of gold and is one of the reasons that both silver premiums and spreads tend to be wider for silver coins and silver bars. Each 2019 1/2oz Australian Perth Mint Silver Lunar: Year of the Pig is composed of 1/2 troy ounces of .999 fine silver.
Want to expand your collection of bullion coins? Choose one of the trusted silver coin dealers to order a stunning bullion coin! Buy the striking 2019 1/2oz Australian Perth Mint Silver Lunar: Year of the Pig from us online! The silver price is updated on our website every minute.
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